Leading Service
Creating a climate where customer experience can thrive

“In the past five years 50% of the ICS top 10 best brands for customer service have been the same five companies. The differentiator is people”
The past two decades have seen the customer experience playbook completely re-written many times over. From quality to delight, then to effortless and now digital, what good looks like looks very different in the new economy
Whilst senior teams focus on the more tangible aspects of the challenge; digital strategy, customer journey mapping, channel integration (all worthy of brain power and budget) the bigger return is in the moments that matter when customers and your people connect.
This untapped touchpoint potential is sitting dormant in many organisations waiting to be inspired and engaged and yet, in many cases it’s seen as a ‘training’ opportunity not a cultural one
Best for service companies apply a simple magic formula, creating a customer focused culture that delivers NPS boosting service experiences. Service is a cultural thing, not a training thing
Our approach to customer focused leadership unlocks your service culture potential and leave your customers raving about your people after every experience
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Our Approach
We’re big on what we call execution edge.
That means that when we work with leaders and customer service teams, it’s all about giving them quick and simple tools (backed by human science) that will give them the quickest and biggest return on effort.
Clients we’ve helped

Hilton - Leading Service

Tesco - The art of the little extra

CityFibre - Let’s Connect
Explore our Insights to help build a culture where people feel different about work
Setting the tone
Recently, one of my colleagues, travelled up to Manchester for a meeting. On the train, she sat opposite a young woman, who was hammering away on her laptop. She noticed that there was a sticker on the woman’s laptop lid: Work Hard. Have Fun. Make...
Never mind the cat – curiosity delivers results!
In the course of my work over the past 20 years, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege to work with a wide variety of companies across multiple industries and sectors. We’ve helped them to navigate and overcome challenges with disinterested, disempowered colleagues and...
Mindsets: The secret to making change stick
Imagine this. Your CEO announces an exciting new change programme. Sales and service training is rolled out. There are lots of inspiring workshops and presentations, a sense of excitement, some great early wins. There’s a buzz about the place. Then, day by day, week...