We believe that with the right input – ANYONE can make it. Our ‘input’ works for three reasons

Human science – we observe in leaders what you might call a tangibility bias – leaders who prioritise their execution on what they can see, touch and measure. Humans are in-finitely IN-tangible, but the soft skills of leading and managing people and culture are critical factors in todays uncertain landscape.
We believe you don’t need a degree in psychology to understand the KEY bits of human science that are super useful in bringing out the best in your people.
ROE – ask 1000 leaders to raise a hand if they’re busy and 1000 hands will shoot up. We live in a task rich time poor era, and function in a frenzy of information overload and decreasing attention spans. Fact: any performance boosting content must deliver value in the shortest time whilst capturing attention.
We believe in ROE – an equation for return on effort. We help leaders prioritise the things that will make the biggest difference with the smallest about of effort. We build our content, tools and activities that way too.

Consumer grade – when you spend 25 years working with some of the worlds best for service organizations, some of the magic dust is bound to off. We’ve evolved with those organizations through each CX ‘era’ – from the days of quality, to delight and then to effortless and now digital first and have a strong sense of what it takes to get to the top.
We believe – your people deserve a consumer grade experience from their development, delightful, effortless, engaging and fundamentally behaviour changing.
in the 80’s we used to call them light bulb moments and although that feels a little old school now, our content is littered with exactly
that. Over 25 years we have found ways of presenting information that give people that light bulb moment. Same information presented differently
can have a significantly different impact. Just like in comedy – two people tell a joke but you only laugh at one of them
How we inspire change…
Top teams often tell us that whilst they appreciate the importance of people and culture, it can often feel incredibly nebulus – where do you start, where do you focus, what delivers the maximum return on effort and spend. Our answer is simple, and it really is.
Create an organisation where your people have absolute clarity on where you’re headed and why
Sally Earnshaw MD Gallagher Culture Change

Set the tone – the first job of leadership is to set the ‘direction and tone’ for the organisation. This requires clarity and alignment at the top (a strategy if you like), leaders who can evangelise that direction to get everyone engaged and a top team that role model the cultural tone being set.

Create the climate – for execution edge, leaders need to create an environment for success – this means keeping people buoyant and on board, clearing the path of obstacles, and boosting positivity for productivity.

Inspire high performing mindsets – we used to say ‘winning hearts and minds’, but its more than that. We’ve identified high performers in every type of organization and they share one thing in common – they think differently from everyone else. These mindsets are easily replicable with tools and activities to help EVERYONE show up thinking that way.

Encourage the behaviours – behaviour is everything people say and do and collectively, we call that culture. If you want new behaviours to show up, or old ones to be amplified the best route is simplicity. No-one wants to have to check a 4 page document before they open their mouths to speak (and no one does). Whether you have values, behaviours, principles or standards, we’ll help you make them meaningful, memorable and motivating so they stick.
We apply this method to every performance boosting change programme we deliver
We can boost your performance through your people in a variety of ways, here’s how…

1. Strategy alignment and story cascade
1-3 day strategy facilitation and a strategy in to narrative cascade approach that maximises speed of engagement and boosts the compelling evangelist skills of your leaders at all levels.
2. Big Events to bring back the oomph
Kiss goodbye to presentation led ‘information intense’ whole team or organization events and say hello to clarity creating, mindset boosting, activity packed, connection inducing big events that will bring back the oomph to any large organisaitonal gathering.

3. Programmes to embed wholescale change
Big change programmes come in all shapes and sizes – whether you are trying to build a more inclusive culture, or deliver a step change in performance, or inspire your customers to buy more, go digital and stick with you, or embed new operating models and ways of working, our 4 step approach to leading change will tool up your leaders to be able to successful deliver
4. Workshops to boost mindset and capability
If you are just looking for some development for your people, we have over 50 topics of content that boost mindset, capability and behaviour. Our workshops are ROE inspired and can be attended virtually of face to face in large or small groups

5. Digital content to inspire performance
All our content can be consumed digitally, on desktop or mobile, steeped in human science, based on minimum input for maximum return and action oriented to get results quickly